
About Connie

Your Brain Retraining & Well-Being Coach

My story might sound familiar to you – it’s one of struggle, discovery, and healing.

For years, my life was a constant battle with digestive issues, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, lack of focus, and hormonal imbalances.

I felt disconnected, like a stranger in my own body, drained of vitality and life. Each day was about survival, keeping my head above the water while the joy and purpose I once had only seemed to drift further away.

For a whole decade, my life revolved around finding a solution to my health problems. Every day was a deep dive into research, attending health consultations, and immersing myself in every bit of knowledge I could find.

This relentless pursuit led me to become a certified health coach in 2016, offering me deeper insights into the intricacies of diet, holistic treatments, and the wonders of supplementation.

This newfound knowledge set me on a promising path. Yet, I was still overthinking, obsessing, and hyper-vigilant.

My days were filled with the consuming question of “Why me?”, as I sought the next revelation, the next solution. With every dime and dollar spent trying to ‘fix’ what felt broken, I overlooked a crucial element: the power of my thoughts and emotions.

I focused solely on navigating the physical part of getting well – choosing the right foods, avoiding certain chemicals, optimizing my environment, and experimenting with multiple healing modalities.

But whenever someone approached me with a mind or spirit solution, I was quick to dismiss them. They just seemed like added burdens, more tasks in an already overflowing plate. Little did I know then how transformative they could be.

Brianna Cooper

Eventually, I opened my mind to the idea that health and well-being are more than physical.

In 2022, I learned about Brain Retraining, a science-based, revolutionary approach to body-mind-spiritual wellness.

As I started questioning and letting go of my deep-seated beliefs about my physical diagnosis, I stopped overthinking and allowed my health journey to unfold naturally.

I let go of my limiting beliefs, replacing them with uplifting and empowering ones. I learned to send my brain signals of safety, convincing it – and myself – that I was on a path to happiness and health.

As I fully committed to the Limbic System Rewire program and other mindful practices, I became more resilient and pulled back layers of chronic patterns that held me in disease and anxiety.

After three weeks of daily practice, I felt the stress melt away. I became more present and joyful even if I had symptoms.

Thrilled with my progress, I delved deeper into my studies, broadening my understanding and honing my skills. This led me to pursue various training and certification programs: from Limbic System Rewire to Vagal Toning, Breathwork, and mastering the art of mindfulness.

And then.. everything changed! My digestion and sleep improved. I could focus again. I had fewer racing thoughts, making room for gentler, more loving ones.

The nagging pain that used to be my constant companion started to fade, and the sensitivities I had to my environment began to diminish.

I could feel it—I was not just existing; I was truly living, perhaps for the first time in a long while!

Now, I’m here to help you do the same.

With the right tools and guidance, you too can rewire your mind and nervous system to bring joy and vibrant health back into your life.

Unlock the Secrets to Vibrant Health


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