
About Sarah

Your FLOWpresso Tech

Sarah grew up in western New York and her passion for overall wellness started well over 10 years ago, when her children were small. She remembers confiding in a friend that she was anxious about the news that the swine flu was coming to the states. Her friend encouraged her to “do something” to strengthen the health of her family. Sarah’s friend helped to empower her and make positive changes on her family’s path towards true wellness.

For Sarah’s family, the first step was eating more nutrient-dense whole foods. As she noticed positive changes in her entire family, she became a believer. Since then, Sarah has been a seeker of all kinds of natural modalities to help further support her families’ overall health.

She is excited for this next chapter, helping others in her community with their health journey! FLOWpresso has been a tremendous gift to Sarah’s energy levels, clarity and overall well-being. She can’t wait to share it with you! 

Brianna Cooper

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